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“A healer is not someone you go to for healing. A healer is someone who ignites within you, your own ability to heal yourself.” ~Unknown
In the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her companions set out on a journey to see the Wizard. They hope that he has the answers they are seeking. Once they reach him, he assures them that they had the answers within all along. Their Hero's Journey revealed their true character and the Wizard simply mirrored back to them their true essence. Shannon Nicole approaches her Readings thru this lens. She holds the mirror and you hold the answers.
Intuitive Guidance & Spiritual Alchemy
She draws upon her decades of deep soul work, extensive world travel, vocation, training and studies including: Intercultural & Interpersonal Communications, Personal Leadership Development, World Religions & World Mythology, Contemplative Nature Therapy Practices, Eastern, Western & Esoteric Enneagram Modalities, Celtic & Norse Ancestral Studies, Global Pilgrimages, and a 200hr. Trauma/Social Justice Informed Yoga Teacher Training.
From this deep well of experience and wisdom she weaves a unique blend of global insight and ceremony for those who seek her services.
Shannon Nicole's passion is to inspire wonder. According the the Oxford dictionary, WONDER is "a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable."
Wonder is the pathway of the Soul
12th century Zen master, Hongzhi Zhenjgue instructed his students to “wander into the center of the circle of wonder.” Our soul's purpose can be found by exploring the nature of wonder, and what it is that obstructs us from the life-giving practice.
Just ask Alice in Wonderland! Her inquisitive nature caused her to take an epic journey into the realm of the subconscious, where our dreams and our shadows lie. These must be faced in order to become the Hero/Heroine of our story.
Inner Journey virtual Readings and in-person Rituals are an opportunity to awaken wonder and reignite your soul's wanderlust for life.
Inner Journey Readings & Rituals are “X-rays for the soul" revealing the kind of integration work you need to do to reconnect to your wild essence and embark on the voyage of self-remembering.
Shannon Nicole weaves ancient wisdom from around the globe to provide insight and direction.
She utilizes a number of esoteric wisdom traditions including the Enneagram Mandala, the somatic wisdom of the chakras, The Celtic Wheel of Being, The Norse Vegvisir, Chinese Astrology & more to guide you on a journey of the psyche, discerning areas for holistic growth, integration and evolution.
Your personalized mandala serves as a map of the subconscious and a portal for our sessions. Your body is the doorway to this inner realm. The chakras are the keys to the door. Your experience is the guide.
By attuning to the messages of the body, healing can begin. Guided meditation utilizing the energetic chakras offers a way of discerning where the body is holding emotional memory and trauma. Connection to the body as a vehicle for the soul awakens conscious sexuality and healthy self-expression.
Sets a framework for a holistic understanding of the body's experience and provides language for the subconscious to begin the process of transformation by engaging imagery and archetypes. Incorporates meditation and mindfulness practices to clear and steady the “monkey mind”.
Includes awakening of emotions as signals of the psyche as well as detachment from emotions as identity markers. We establish a yin and yang relationship with the emotional body and create lines of better communication with self and others.
After the mind, body & heart are aligned, the soul is awakened to speak and guide the participant towards a life of joy and purpose. We delve into inner child and ancestral dynamics that are at play in the psyche and discern tools for liberation and healing.
Copyright ©2022-2025 Wild Heart Pilgrimage
(c) all rights reserved, including artwork & photography, unless noted. Candle in front image available @
2025 is going to be a powerful year of renewal and feminine awakening. Book your reading to learn how to navigate this dynamic energy with wisdom and grace